School Consultation and In-Service Training

Do you know students who can’t stay in their seat? Lay their head on the desk while doing work? Have very poor handwriting? Avoid certain activities, like writing? Have difficulty paying attention? Have trouble getting work done in class? Do not like to participate in playground activities or PE?

Not all children learn the same and many children who do not qualify for occupational therapy services have problems in school that inhibit their learning or classroom participation.  Teachers often feel overwhelmed by trying to address the many challenges that their students face.

Our therapists have extensive experience working in schools treating students, consulting with teachers and administrators, and providing in-service training.  As a former teacher, Kirsten understands the challenges that teachers face and the classroom interventions that actually work. Kim has been successfully helping public and private schools, preschools, and daycares address challenges in the academic setting through providing in-service training on a number of different topics.

In-service training topics that we can present to your school include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The ABCs of Behavior: Antecendent,Behavior, Consequence
  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Pencil grasp and desk posture
  • Handwriting – development of handwriting skills and handwriting programs
  • Development of visual perceptual skills
  • Organizational strategies
  • Sensory diet
  • Classroom modifications
  • Self regulation programs
  • Kindergarten Consultation program
  • Therapeutic Listening
  • Occupational Therapy in the Classroom: Problem identification, referral process, and implementing classroom strategies

For more information or to schedule consultative services contact our office.